Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Turning a Corner

Recently, Marti and I went to the barn across town to take our weekly jumping lesson, but when I got there, I found out my usual instructor couldn't make it. Another instructor at the barn offered to coach me in his place. In the beginning, she was telling me to bend over at the hips more and more and focus on making Marti look pretty. All I could think was "Oh no.... She's trying to make me ride like a hunter... I'm not a hunter." Nothing against all you hunters, but face it, eventers and hunters do not ride the same. Then, something clicked. People that watched commented on how professional my position was looking. The instructor said Marti was jumping very pretty and effortlessly. It just went to show that the defensive riding I and several other fellow eventers have been taught just isn't that effective. You have to trust your horse and move forward with him. Don't ride like you're expecting a refusal, you'll get one. Instead, ride like you're on the world's best horse and soften when you line up with the jump. The results were instantaneous. Also, I'd always been taught that when a horse is strong or you need to half-halt on the jump course (stadium or cross country), you lift your chest as you pull back and add leg. This one day instructor said something that made total sense. Think about dressage, moving your body like that means go, every time I wanted a half-halt, I was also telling Marti to go. This instructor told me to stay in my two-point and move only my hands. It worked like a dream. My excitable, very strong, long strided horse, would nearly trot every time I tapped the reins in my two point. It let her keep her balance, and she was getting a clear cut cue to slow down and balance. Black and white. Since that lesson, my jumping has been 100% better, and I hope to see the heights of our jumps steadily raise. Very excited for the event at Las Cruces this February
This is an older picture now. By older, I mean about two weeks. It was at a clinic in Phoenix with Mike Huber (an eventer out of Texas) If you ever get the chance to ride with him, I highly recommend it!

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